Accept |
xsd:string (required) default: application/json options:
image/jpeg, application/json, text/xml, application/xml, text/html |
This represents the acceptable mime types for which the response can be generated.
Note that retrieving the citation count as an image is considered a different resource
from the text metadata responses of JSON and XML.
Authorization |
xsd:string |
This header field contains the OAuth bearer access token, where the format of the
field is "Bearer <token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key).
The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based
entitlements. The Authorization field overrides X-ELS-Authtoken.
xsd:string (required)
This represents a unique application developer key providing access to resource.
X-ELS-Authtoken |
xsd:string |
This represents a end-user session. If provided, this key is used to validate the
credentials needed to access content in this resource.
X-ELS-ReqId |
xsd:string |
This is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages
of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the
service's message logs. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client,
and used to track a single transaction.
X-ELS-ResourceVersion |
xsd:string |
Represents the version of the resource that should be received.
httpAccept |
xsd:string options:
image/jpeg, application/json, text/xml, application/xml, text/html |
Override for HTTP header Accept, this represents the acceptable mime types for which
the response can be generated. Note that retrieving the citation count as an image
is considered a different resource from the text metadata responses of JSON and XML.
access_token |
xsd:string |
Override for HTTP header Authorization, this contains the OAuth bearer access token,
where the format of the field is "<token>" (where the token represents the end-user
session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed
against user-based entitlements.
apiKey |
xsd:string |
Override for HTTP header X-ELS-APIKey, this represents a unique application developer
key providing access to resource.
reqId |
xsd:string |
Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ReqId, this is a client-defined request identifier,
which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be
used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. Note that this
should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.
ver |
xsd:string |
Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ResourceVersion, this represents the version of the
resource that should be received.
scopus_id |
xsd:string |
The citation count for only one document identifier will be returned for images. A
comma-delimited list of values can be used for textual responses. Only one type of
identifier should be used per request.
doi |
xsd:string |
The citation count for only one document identifier will be returned for images. A
comma-delimited list of values can be used for textual responses. Only one type of
identifier should be used per request.
pii |
xsd:string |
The citation count for only one document identifier will be returned for images. A
comma-delimited list of values can be used for textual responses. Only one type of
identifier should be used per request.
pubmed_id |
xsd:string |
The citation count for only one document identifier will be returned for images. A
comma-delimited list of values can be used for textual responses. Only one type of
identifier should be used per request.