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Elsevier Developer Portal

Abstract Citations Count API

This represents the interfaces to retrieve document citation counts (SCOPUS content) as a watermarked image or as metadata (JSON, XML). The metadata response also includes additional document identifiers, if available.

The following chart shows the Citation Count Metadata Views.

Note that the image and the metadata are considered distinct resources and access to each may be restricted accordingly.


Resource Method Description GET
Abstract Citation Count API: This represents a retrieval of citation counts for specific documents (SCOPUS content) as a branded image. Performs a search based upon the identifiers provided and returns the cited-by count of the document(s) returned as a SCOPUS-branded image or as textual metadata (JSON, XML). Note that each category is considered a distinct resource and access restrictions may be applicable.


Abstract Citation Count API: This represents a retrieval of citation counts for specific documents (SCOPUS content) as a branded image. Performs a search based upon the identifiers provided and returns the cited-by count of the document(s) returned as a SCOPUS-branded image or as textual metadata (JSON, XML). Note that each category is considered a distinct resource and access restrictions may be applicable.

GET simple()

header params
Accept xsd:string
default: application/json
options: image/jpeg, application/json, text/xml, application/xml, text/html
This represents the acceptable mime types for which the response can be generated. Note that retrieving the citation count as an image is considered a different resource from the text metadata responses of JSON and XML.
Authorization xsd:string This header field contains the OAuth bearer access token, where the format of the field is "Bearer <token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements. The Authorization field overrides X-ELS-Authtoken.
X-ELS-APIKey xsd:string
This represents a unique application developer key providing access to resource.
X-ELS-Authtoken xsd:string This represents a end-user session. If provided, this key is used to validate the credentials needed to access content in this resource.
X-ELS-ReqId xsd:string This is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.
X-ELS-ResourceVersion xsd:string Represents the version of the resource that should be received.

query params
httpAccept xsd:string
options: image/jpeg, application/json, text/xml, application/xml, text/html
Override for HTTP header Accept, this represents the acceptable mime types for which the response can be generated. Note that retrieving the citation count as an image is considered a different resource from the text metadata responses of JSON and XML.
access_token xsd:string Override for HTTP header Authorization, this contains the OAuth bearer access token, where the format of the field is "<token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements.
apiKey xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-APIKey, this represents a unique application developer key providing access to resource.
reqId xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ReqId, this is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.
ver xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ResourceVersion, this represents the version of the resource that should be received.
scopus_id xsd:string

The citation count for only one document identifier will be returned for images. A comma-delimited list of values can be used for textual responses. Only one type of identifier should be used per request.

doi xsd:string

The citation count for only one document identifier will be returned for images. A comma-delimited list of values can be used for textual responses. Only one type of identifier should be used per request.

pii xsd:string

The citation count for only one document identifier will be returned for images. A comma-delimited list of values can be used for textual responses. Only one type of identifier should be used per request.

pubmed_id xsd:string

The citation count for only one document identifier will be returned for images. A comma-delimited list of values can be used for textual responses. Only one type of identifier should be used per request.

image/jpeg Abstract Citation Count JPEG Response: This is JPEG image representing the requested resource. abstractCitationCountImage.jpg
application/json Abstract Citation Count Metadata JSON Response: This is JSON representing the requested resource. abstractCitationCountMeta.json
text/xml Abstract Citation Count Metadata XML Response: This is XML representing the requested resource. abstractCitationCountMeta.xml
application/xml Abstract Citation Count Metadata XML Response: This is XML representing the requested resource. abstractCitationCountMeta.xml
text/html Abstract Citation Count Metadata XML Response: This is HTML representing the requested resource. abstractCitationCountMeta.htm
text/xml Invalid Request: This is an error that occurs when invalid information is submitted. invalidRequest.xml
text/xml Authentication Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated due to missing/invalid credentials (authtoken or APIKey). authError.xml
text/xml Invalid HTTP Method: This is an error that occurs when the requested HTTP Method is invalid. invalidHttpMethod.xml
text/xml Invalid Mime Type: This is an error that occurs when the requested mime type is invalid. invalidAcceptHeader.xml
text/xml Quota Exceeded: This is an error that occurs when a requester has exceeded the quota limits associated with their API Key. quotaExceeded.xml
text/xml Generic Error: This is a general purpose error condition. genericError.xml