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Elsevier Developer Portal

Elsevier Text and Data Mining (TDM) Provisions

Elsevier provisions for text and datamining - academic research purposes only

You may, subject to the use restrictions set out below, for academic research purposes only:

  • text and data mine the ScienceDirect dataset via the API and load and integrate the results (the TDM Output>) on your internal system for access by authorized users; and
  • share the TDM Output externally, subject to the following notice:

    © Some rights reserved. This work permits academic research purposes only, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Upon completion of the relevant text and data mining project, you will immediately and permanently delete all copies (including back-ups or otherwise) of the ScienceDirect dataset, but you may retain a copy of the TDM Output for academic research purposes subject to the terms and conditions as set out herein.

The ScienceDirect dataset and any TDM Output may be accessed, processed, or hosted by third-party vendors retained by you only with the express written permission of Elsevier and solely for the purposes as set out herein. You will ensure that the third-party vendor will not ingest the ScienceDirect dataset for any other reasons as defined herein, will keep such ScienceDirect dataset secure in accordance with the terms set out herein, and will have no right or ability to use the ScienceDirect dataset in any other product or service offering. You shall ensure that the third-party vendor shall immediately delete the ScienceDirect dataset and TDM Output from its servers upon termination or expiration of the underlying agreement between you and Elsevier or, if earlier, the agreement between you and the third-party vendor.

TDM restrictions

You and the authorized users may not create any derivative work (including TDM Output) in a way that would compete with or have the potential to substitute and/or replicate and/or reverse engineer back to any existing Elsevier products, services and/or solutions including a substantial part thereof or otherwise commercially use or allow commercial use of the derivative work (including TDM Output).

Last revised: 24-August-2023


Elsevier Provisions for Text and Data Mining (TDM)

Access to subscription content for text mining is provided to subscribers for noncommercial research purposes. Please note that for open access content, TDM permissions and reuse are determined by the author's choice of user license. Upon acceptance of these provisions for TDM you will be provided with the API documentation and API key to allow you to do the following:

  • Secure a unique API key for your own personal use
  • To retrieve, via your API key, content your institution has subscribed to in order to use it as a corpus for non-commercial text mining.
  • You can automatically extract semantic entities from the corpus to create TDM output, and prepare research papers or other scholarly publications using the TDM output.
  • You are able to distribute the findings of your text mining, in line with the following conditions:
    • Where snippets (which may include a few lines of query-dependent text of individual full text articles or book chapters up to a maximum length of 200 characters surrounding and excluding the text entity matched) and/or bibliographic metadata are distributed, they should be accompanied by a DOI link that points back to the individual full text article or book chapter;
    • You should also include a proprietary notice in the following form: "Some rights reserved. This work permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited."
    • You are permitted to distribute or create a link to the list of DOIs used to perform TDM;
    • Where images are used you should clear the rights for reuse with the relevant rightsholder;

You are not allowed to:
  • Use snippets of text from individual full text articles or book chapters of more than 200 characters (excluding text entity matches or bibliographic metadata);
  • Abridge, modify, translate or create any derivative work based on the corpus;
  • Delete information about authorship or copyright notices from the corpus;
  • Substantially or systematically reproduce, retain or redistribute the corpus;
  • Extract, develop or use the corpus in any direct or indirect commercial activity;
  • Use any robots, spiders or other automated downloading programs, algorithms or devices to search, screen-scrape, extract, or index any Elsevier web site or web application, instead of using the APIs; and
  • Utilize the TDM output to enhance institutional or subject repositories in a way that would compete with the value of the final peer review journal article, or have the potential to substitute and/or replicate any other existing Elsevier products, services and/or solutions.

You are responsible to keep your contact information as registered on up to date and you may not modify or attempt to circumvent the key for secure access to the APIs. We shall have the right to deactivate the API Keys provided to you, if (a) you have not started using the APIs within six months following the delivery of the API Keys, or (b) you have not been accessing the APIs for at least a year since its last access, or (c) the term of the ScienceDirect database subscription to the book and journal content the organization you are affiliated with expires or if (d) you sell, transfer, sublicense, or otherwise disclose the API key to any other party or you use them for purposes not described herein.

Upon termination or expiration of the subscribed content, Elsevier shall disable access to the APIs for your API Key. You must permanently delete all Elsevier content or Elsevier data which you stored pursuant to your use of the APIs except for the TDM output and the Snippets. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you are permitted to retain a private copy of the corpus, or excerpts thereof, for reasons of data archiving requirements and to make this corpus available for internal institutional uses or for peer review, funding or ethics purposes (but not for further external distribution by these agencies or reviewers). You can also maintain the list of DOIs as a data object and provide this externally. Instead of obtaining an API Key for text mining directly from Elsevier through registration on, you can also use the CrossRef TDM service ( to obtain a cross-publisher API token for use with our APIs. Obtaining this token is subject to the same conditions as outlined in these provisions.

Last updated: 24-Feb-2017


Access to subscription content for text mining is provided to subscribers for noncommercial research purposes. Please note that for open access content, TDM permissions and reuse are determined by the author's choice of user license. Upon acceptance of this TDM registration form you will be provided with the API documentation and API key to allow you to do the following:

  • Secure a unique API key for your own personal use
  • To retrieve, via your API key, content your institution has subscribed to in order to use it as a corpus for non-commercial text mining.
  • You can automatically extract semantic entities from the corpus to create TDM output, and prepare research papers or other scholarly publications using the TDM output.
  • You are able to distribute the findings of your text mining, in line with the following conditions:
    • Where snippets (which may include a few lines of query-dependent text of individual full text articles or book chapters up to a maximum length of 200 characters surrounding and excluding the text entity matched) and/or bibliographic metadata are distributed, they should be accompanied by a DOI link that points back to the individual full text article or book chapter;
    • You should also include a proprietary notice in the following form: "Some rights reserved. This work permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited."
    • You are permitted to distribute or create a link to the list of DOIs used to perform TDM;
    • Where images are used you should clear the rights for reuse with the relevant rightsholder;

You are not allowed to:

  • Use snippets of text from individual full text articles or book chapters of more than 200 characters (excluding text entity matches or bibliographic metadata);
  • Abridge, modify, translate or create any derivative work based on the corpus;
  • Delete information about authorship or copyright notices from the corpus;
  • Substantially or systematically reproduce, retain or redistribute the corpus;
  • Extract, develop or use the corpus in any direct or indirect commercial activity;
  • Use any robots, spiders or other automated downloading programs, algorithms or devices to search, screen-scrape, extract, or index any Elsevier web site or web application, instead of using the APIs; and
  • Utilize the TDM output to enhance institutional or subject repositories in a way that would compete with the value of the final peer review journal article, or have the potential to substitute and/or replicate any other existing Elsevier products, services and/or solutions.

You are responsible to keep your contact information on the User's registration form up to date and you may not modify or attempt to circumvent the key for secure access to the APIs. We shall have the right to deactivate the API Keys provided to you, if (a) you have not started using the APIs within six months following the delivery of the API Keys, or (b) you have not been accessing the APIs for at least a year since its last access, or (c) the term of the ScienceDirect database subscription to the book and journal content the organization you are affiliated with expires or if (d) you sell, transfer, sublicense, or otherwise disclose the API key to any other party or you use them for purposes not described herein.

Upon termination or expiration of the subscribed content, Elsevier shall disable access to the APIs for your API Key. You must permanently delete all Elsevier content or Elsevier data which you stored pursuant to your use of the APIs except for the TDM output and the Snippets. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you are permitted to retain a private copy of the corpus, or excerpts thereof, for reasons of data archiving requirements and to make this corpus available for internal institutional uses or for peer review, funding or ethics purposes (but not for further external distribution by these agencies or reviewers). You can also maintain the list of DOIs as a data object and provide this externally. Instead of obtaining an API Key for text mining directly from Elsevier through this form, you can also use the CrossRef TDM service ( to obtain a cross-publisher API token for use with our APIs. Obtaining this token is subject to the same conditions as outlined in this form.

Last updated: 21-Jun-2016




1.1 The text and data mining service (the “TDM Service”) owned and operated by Elsevier B.V. (”Elsevier”) is provided to (“You”, “Your” or “the User”) under the terms and conditions of this TDM Registration Form (the “Agreement”).

You accept and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement on Your own behalf by clicking the “I Agree to the TDM Service Agreement” check box and clicking the “Register Project” button.

1.2 Elsevier reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change the terms of this Agreement at any time with reasonable advance notice given to the User. When these changes are made, Elsevier will make a new copy of the Agreement available on the TDM Service’s web site. Elsevier will also post a notification on the TDM Service’s web site describing the modifications made. The changes will become effective and will be deemed accepted by You.


2.1 Elsevier grants You a limited license to use the TDM Service, data, files and other materials provided by Elsevier (the “Dataset”) to:

2.1.1 continuously and automatically extract semantic entities from full-text articles retrieved through the TDM service for the purpose of recognition and classification of the relations and associations between them and mount, load and integrate the results (the “TDM Output”) used for the User’s text-mining system for access and use by the User or the company, institute or organization the User is affiliated with;

2.1.2 distribute upon request, or to create a link in the individual full text article or book chapter to, the list of DOIs used performing the TDM;

2.1.3 distribute the TDM Output externally, which may include a few lines of query-dependent text of individual full text articles or book chapters which shall be up to a maximum length of 200 characters surrounding and excluding the text entity matched (“Snippets”) or bibliographic metadata. Where Snippets and/or bibliographic metadata are distributed, they should be accompanied by a DOI link that points back to the individual full text article or book chapter. Where images are used You should clear the rights for reuse with the relevant copyright owner and/or rightsholder. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, more extensive usage terms might be permitted for open access content in the Subscribed Products as identified in the individual journal article as stated in the applicable user (e.g. CC) license.

Further the TDM Output should include a proprietary notice in the following form:

“Some rights reserved. This work permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.”

2.2 The User may not other than for the uses as permitted above:

§ abridge, modify, translate or create any derivative work based on the Dataset;

§ remove, obscure or modify in any way any copyright notices, other notices or disclaimers as they appear in the Dataset;

§ substantially or systematically reproduce, retain or redistribute the Dataset;

§ extract, develop or use the Dataset in any direct or indirect commercial activity;

§ use any robots, spiders or other automated downloading programs, algorithms or devices to search, screen-scrape, extract, or index any Elsevier web site or web application;

§ utilize the TDM Output to enhance institutional or subject repositories in a way that would compete with the value of the final peer review journal article, or have the potential to substitute and/or replicate any other existing Elsevier products, services and/or solutions.

2.3 The User will be solely responsible for all costs, expenses, losses and liabilities incurred, and activities undertaken by the User in connection with TDM Service. The User will provide Elsevier access to the TDM Output and any other content or material related to the use of the TDM Output as requested by Elsevier to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event Elsevier detects non-compliance the User shall be granted thirty days to remediate prior to denying access to the TDM Service by Elsevier.

2.4 User shall obtain written permission in advance from Elsevier to use Elsevier’s trademarks, logos or other brand features solely for the purpose of promoting the User’s TDM Output. In the event permission is granted by Elsevier, You will not display the Elsevier brand features that is misleading, defamatory, obscene or otherwise be objectionable to Elsevier or which suggests that Elsevier created, sponsored or endorsed Your TDM Output.

2.5 The TDM Output shall not breach the law or any regulatory requirement of any territory including but not limited to data protection laws, infringement of copyright and/or other intellectual property rights.

2.6 In the event the TDM Output collects or otherwise processes or uses personal data You shall be responsible for complying with the relevant data protection and privacy laws.

2.7 The User acknowledges that all right, title and interest in and to the Dataset remain with Elsevier and its suppliers, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, and that the unauthorized redistribution of the Dataset or the TDM Output could materially harm Elsevier and its suppliers.

2.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Open access content in the Dataset is subject to the terms and conditions stated in the applicable user license identified in the individual journal article.


3.1 Upon full execution of this Agreement, Elsevier hereby grants to User a royalty-free, non-transferable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to a set of proprietary APIs, in accordance with the API documentation solely to enable Users of the TDM Service to dynamically access data made available by the APIs and will deliver to User the API specification (“API Documentation”) including query algorithms and cryptographic API Keys, for the purpose of enabling the User to perform the text and data mining.

3.2 Upon full execution of this Agreement, Elsevier will deliver to User the APIs keys for secure access (“API Keys”) to enable User to use the proprietary APIs to perform the text and data mining. You may not sell, transfer, sublicense or otherwise disclose the API Keys to any other party or use them other than for the purposes as described in this Agreement. You are responsible for maintaining up to date information about Your contact information on the User’s registration form and You may not modify or attempt to circumvent the key for secure access to the APIs.

3.3 User shall provide, upon Elsevier’s request, Elsevier with an opportunity to test to validate that the Integration complies with the API Documentation. Elsevier shall have the right to deactivate access to the TDM Service for the API Keys provided to the User, if (a) the User has not started using the TDM Service within six months following the delivery of the API Keys, or (b) the User has not been accessing the TDM Service for at least a year since its last access.

3.4 Elsevier reserves the right to block, change, suspend, remove or disable access to the APIs and any of its services at any time.


Elsevier excludes any warranty regarding the quality of the data, formatting and errors or omissions. The Dataset is made available “as is” and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of title, or implied warranties of merchantability, completeness or accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. Use of the Dataset is at the Authorized User’s own risk. Neither Elsevier, nor anyone else involved in creating, producing or delivering the Dataset shall be liable for any loss of data, interruption of business, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the Dataset.


5.1 Term.

Subject to earlier termination pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the term of this Agreement shall commence on the date on which the User has accepted this Agreement and shall continue until the either party terminates the Agreement in writing in accordance with sections 5.2 below (the “Term”).

5.2 Termination

5.2.1 This Agreement may be terminated by either party forthwith in the event:

(a) a party is in material breach of any term, condition or provision of this Agreement, which breach, if capable of being cured, is not cured within ten (10) days after the non-breaching party gives the breaching party written notice of such breach; or

(b) a party (i) terminates or suspends its business, (ii) becomes insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or becomes subject to direct control of a trustee, receiver or similar authority, or (iii) becomes subject to any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding; or

(c) the organization the User is affiliated with does not maintain a subscription to the book and journal content in the ScienceDirect® database or defaults making payment of the ScienceDirect® database subscription fees after thirty (30) days’ notice to remedy such fault; or

(d) the term of the ScienceDirect® database subscription to the book and journal content the organization the User is affiliated expires. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing contractual remedies apply in addition and not in substitution of any rights and remedies for breach available in law, including injunctive relief. Where the User, has made available any of the Elsevier content or data, other than as TDM Output, available to third parties, Elsevier shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement.

5.2.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement for its convenience, for any reason or no reason, effective sixty (60) days after providing the other party a written notice of termination. Elsevier shall further have the right to seek immediate injunctive relief in the event of a material breach by User of this Agreement.

5.3 Effect of Termination

Upon termination for any reason or expiration, Elsevier shall disable access to the APIs and the TDM Service. You must permanently delete all Elsevier content or Elsevier data which You stored pursuant to Your use of the TDM Service. You must permanently delete all Elsevier content or Elsevier data which You stored pursuant to Your use of the TDM Service except for the TDM Output and the Snippets. Notwithstanding the foregoing, You are further permitted to retain a private copy of the Dataset, or excerpts thereof, for reasons of data archiving requirements and to make this Dataset available for internal institutional uses or for peer review, funding or ethics purposes.


6.1 Force Majeure.

Neither party’s delay or failure to perform any provision of this Agreement as a result of circumstances beyond its control (including, but not limited to, war, strikes, fires, floods, power failures, telecommunications or Internet failures or damage to or destruction of any network facilities or servers) shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement. The parties agree that the departure of one or more members of the Euro zone will not, in and of itself, be a "circumstance beyond its control" and shall not have the effect of discharging or excusing performance of (any obligation under) this Agreement.

6.2 Severability.

The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect any other provisions of this Agreement.

6.3 Entire Agreement.

This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties and merges and supersedes any and all prior and contemporaneous agreements, communications, proposals and purchase orders, written or oral, between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein. All Schedules attached or to be attached to this Agreement are incorporated herein and shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement unless otherwise specified in the Schedule the terms of the Schedule shall prevail.

6.4 Modification.

No modification, amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by the parties.

6.5 Assignment.

The User shall not assign, transfer or license any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement unless it obtains the prior written consent of Elsevier, which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld.

6.6 Notices.

All notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered to the party to whom such notice is directed at the address specified below or the electronic mail address as such party shall have designated by notice hereunder.

If to Elsevier: Elsevier e-Helpdesk (see

If to the User: notices shall be addressed to the electronic or mailing address specified in the User’s registration form, or such other address as either party may give to the other by notice as provided in this Section.

6.7 Privacy.

Elsevier maintains information about the User on Elsevier servers, including but not limited to User’s registration information. The User agrees that Elsevier may use such information in aggregate form for marketing or other promotional purposes. User agrees that Elsevier may disclose such information in the good faith belief that such action is reasonably necessary: (a) to comply with the law or legal process; (b) to enforce this Agreement; or (c) to protect the rights or interests of Elsevier or others. Elsevier may contact User regarding Elsevier the TDM Service submission process using the User’s e-mail address provided during the registration process (or as updated by User). Such e-mail messages may contain opportunities regarding special offers and new products and/or services from Elsevier’s advertisers. Users are not permitted to collect and use end user registration and other Confidential Information without the express consent of the end user.

Last revised: 22 May 2015