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Elsevier Developer Portal

The Engineering Village Search API

This represents the available REST interfaces associated with Engineering Village searches.

Interactive Swagger documentation can be found here along with the Swagger definition


Resource Method Description GET

Engineering Village Search API: This represents an Expert Search against Engineering Village databases. Expert Search provides search power and flexibility by incorporating advanced Boolean logic and including a rich variety of options.


GET expertSearch()

Engineering Village Search API: This represents an Expert Search against Engineering Village databases. Expert Search provides search power and flexibility by incorporating advanced Boolean logic and including a rich variety of options.

query params
database unspecified type
options: c, i, n, pc, cm, cb, el, ep, g, f, p, u, e, w, k

List of databases to query. When no databases are specified, all databases to which application account is entitles are searched. Database codes include:

c - Compendex/EI Backfile
i - Inspec/Inspec Archive
n - NTIS
pc - Paperchem
cm - Chimica
cb - CBNB
el - EnCompassLIT
ep - EnCompassPAT
f - GeoRef
p - Ei Patents
u - US Patents
e - EP Patents
w - WO Patents
k - Knovel
query xs:string
Expert search phrase which cannot be blank and cannot contain only * and whitespace characters. See help topics here for searching specific fields, and for using proximity/near operators, Boolean operators, exact phrases, special characters, wildcards and truncation, and stop words
navigator xs:boolean Navigator, a setting which determines if navigators should be returned if a is performed on search words, defaults to false if not set
navigatorDataCount xs:int Navigator data count, a setting which determines how many records for the navigator should be returned, minimum is 1 maximum is 160, default is 10
autoStemming xs:boolean Autostemming a setting which determines if stemming is performed on search words, defaults to false if not set
startYear xs:int Start year, leave blank if providing updateNumber
endYear xs:int End year, leave blank if providing updateNumber
updateNumber xs:int Update week number, find records updated within the last N weeks; 1 <= N <=4, leave blank when setting startYear or endYear. See here for more information.
sortField xs:string Sort Field, which can vary by database. Default setting is relevance if parameter is not provided. See here for more information.

relevance - Relevance
yr - Date (year)
ausort - Author
stsort - Source
pnsort - Publisher
pcb - Patent cited by
sortDirection unspecified type
options: dw, up
Sort direction. Default setting is "dw" if parameter is not provided
offset xs:int Page offset, used for pagination. To get page N, set offset = (N-1) * Page size. Defaults to 0 if not set.
pageSize xs:int Requested page size, defaults to 25 if not set. Used for pagination with offset parameter. Actual page size will be set to the results count if the results count is less than the requested page size
highlightEnable xs:boolean Enable highlighting
apiKey xs:string
Required if no X-ELS-APIKey HTTP header, this represents a unique application developer key providing access to resource.
access_token xs:string Override for HTTP header Authorization, this contains the OAuth bearer access token, where the format of the field is "<token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements.

200 - Engineering Village Search Response
application/xml Sample XML Output
Sample Compendex Results XML Output
Sample Inspect Results XML Output
Sample NTIS Results XML Output
Sample Paperchem Results XML Output
Sample Chimica Results XML Output
Sample CBNB Results XML Output
Sample EnCompassLIT Results XML Output
Sample EnCompassPAT Results XML Output
Sample GEOBASE Results XML Output
Sample GeoRef Results XML Output
Sample US Patents Results XML Output
Sample EP Patents Results XML Output
Sample WO Patents Results XML Output
application/json Sample JSON Output
Sample Compendex Results JSON Output
Sample Inspect Results JSON Output
Sample NTIS Results JSON Output
Sample Paperchem Results JSON Output
Sample Chimica Results JSON Output
Sample CBNB Results JSON Output
Sample EnCompassLIT Results JSON Output
Sample EnCompassPAT Results JSON Output
Sample GEOBASE Results JSON Output
Sample GeoRef Results JSON Output
Sample US Patents Results JSON Output
Sample EP Patents Results JSON Output
Sample WO Patents Results JSON Output
400 - Invalid Request - This is an error that occurs when invalid information is submitted.
text/xml Invalid Request Sample
401 - Authentication Error - This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated due to missing/invalid credentials (authtoken or APIKey).
text/xml Authentication Error Sample
403 - Authorization/Entitlements Error - This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated or entitlements cannot be validated.
text/xml Authorization Error Sample
429 - Quota Exceeded - This is an error that occurs when a requester has exceeded the quota limits associated with their API Key.
text/xml Quota Exceeded Sample
500 - Generic Error - This is a general purpose error condition, typically due to back-end processing errors.