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Elsevier Developer Portal

PlumX Metrics API

This represents the interface for retrieving PlumX metrics for Scopus documents and other related artifacts.

PlumX metrics include social media mentions and other sources that go beyond traditional citation data.

This API is available to all API users with an active Scopus subscription.


Resource Method Description{idType}/{idValue} GET

PlumX Metrics API: API used for finding aggregate metric counts for individual document identifiers and other related artifacts.


PlumX Metrics API: API used for finding aggregate metric counts for individual document identifiers and other related artifacts.

GET metrics_by_id_and_value_GET()

Metrics by Identifier Type and Value: Ordered counts of total metrics for each Count Type associated with an identifier

template params
idType tns:idType
The type of identifier to search for.

Possible identifier type values:

  • doi
  • elsevierId
  • elsevierPii
  • isbn
  • pmcid
  • pmid
idValue xsd:string
The value of the identifier to search for.

header params
Accept xsd:string
default: application/json
options: application/json, application/atom+xml, application/xml
This represents the acceptable mime type format in which the response can be generated. This can also be submitted as the query string parameter "httpAccept". This returns the response in JSON, ATOM, or XML mark-up.
Authorization xsd:string This header field contains the OAuth bearer access token in which the format of the field is "Bearer <token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements. The Authorization field overrides X-ELS-Authtoken.
X-ELS-APIKey xsd:string
This represents a unique application developer key providing access to API resources. This key can also be submitted as the query string parameter "apiKey"
X-ELS-Authtoken xsd:string This represents a end-user session. If provided, this token is used to validate the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be submitted through the HTTP header "Authorization" or the query string parameter "access_token".
X-ELS-Insttoken xsd:string This represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be provided through the query string parameter "insttoken".
X-ELS-ReqId xsd:string This is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. It will also be returned as an HTTP header in the corresponding response. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.
X-ELS-ResourceVersion xsd:string
default: 1
options: 1

Version of the data requested, default = 1, 404 reponse if version does not exist

query params
httpAccept xsd:string
options: application/json, application/atom+xml, application/xml
Override for HTTP header Accept, this represents the acceptable mime types in which the response can be generated.
access_token xsd:string Override for HTTP header Authorization, this contains the OAuth bearer access token, where the format of the field is "<token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements.
insttoken xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-Insttoken, this represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource.
apiKey xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-APIKey, this represents a unique application developer key providing access to resource.
reqId xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ReqId, this is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.

application/json tns:metrics_summary
401 - 401 - Not authorized to access resource. Authentication token is not valid for viewing content.
404 - 404 - Error code when zero metrics are associated with an idValue/idType combination or the idValue/idType does not exist in the system
500 - 500 - Unexpected server error, could not complete response