Resource | Method | Description |
---|---|---| | GET |
GET | simple() |
Accept | xsd:string (required) default: application/json options: application/json, application/atom+xml, application/xml |
Authorization | xsd:string |
X-ELS-APIKey | xsd:string (required) |
X-ELS-Authtoken | xsd:string |
X-ELS-Insttoken | xsd:string |
X-ELS-ReqId | xsd:string |
X-ELS-ResourceVersion | xsd:string options: facetexpand, allexpand, new |
Represents the version of the resource that should be received. Multiple attributes can be submitted by separating with commas or semicolons. Options include: facetexpand - adds new fields under each facet returned (where applicable) allexpand - (same as facetexpand) new - returns the most recent and prototyped features |
httpAccept | xsd:string options: application/json, application/atom+xml, application/xml |
access_token | xsd:string |
insttoken | xsd:string |
apiKey | xsd:string |
reqId | xsd:string |
ver | xsd:string options: facetexpand, allexpand, new |
Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ResourceVersion, this represents the version of the resource that should be received. Multiple attributes can be submitted by separating with commas or semicolons. Options include: facetexpand - adds new fields under each facet returned (where applicable) allexpand - (same as facetexpand) new - returns the most recent and prototyped features |
query | xsd:string (required) |
This represents the boolean search to be executed against the SCOPUS cluster. There is additional information regarding Search Tips. ex. query=heart+attack%20AND%20text(liver) |
view | xsd:string default: STANDARD options: STANDARD, COMPLETE |
This alias represents the list of elements that will be returned in the response. The following chart shows the Scopus Search Views. |
field | xsd:string |
This alias represents the name of specific fields that should be returned. The list of fields include all of the fields returned in the response payload (see view). Multiple fields can be specified, delimited by commas. Note that specifying this parameter overrides the view parameter. ex. field=url,identifier,description |
suppressNavLinks | xsd:string default: false options: true, false |
This parameter is used to suppress the inclusion of top-level navigation links in the response payload. |
date | xsd:string |
Represents the date range associated with the search, with the lowest granularity being year. ex. date=2002-2007 |
start | xsd:string |
Numeric value representing the results offset (i.e. starting position for the search results). The maximum for this value is a system-level default (varies with search cluster) minus the number of results requested. If not specified the offset will be set to zero (i.e. first search result) ex. start=5 |
count | xsd:string |
Numeric value representing the maximum number of results to be returned for the search. If not provided this will be set to a system default based on service level. In addition the number cannot exceed the maximum system default - if it does an error will be returned. ex. count=10 |
sort | xsd:string options: artnum, citedby-count, coverDate, creator, orig-load-date, pagecount, pagefirst, pageRange, publicationName, pubyear, relevancy, volume |
Represents the sort field name and order. A plus in front of the sort field name indicates ascending order, a minus indicates descending order. If sort order is not specified (i.e. no + or -) then the order defaults to descending (DESC). Up to three fields can be specified, each delimited by a comma. The precedence is determined by their order (i.e. first is primary, second is secondary, and third is tertiary). +/-{field name}[,+/-{field name} ex. sort=coverDate,-title |
content | xsd:string default: all options: core, dummy, all |
This parameter is used to filter specific categories of content that should be searched/returned. |
subj | xsd:string |
Represents the subject area code associated with the content category desired. Note that these subject code mapping vary based upon the environment in which the request is executed. The following resource shows all of the available subject classifications. Available choices include: AGRI - Agricultural and Biological Sciences ARTS - Arts and Humanities BIOC - Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology BUSI - Business, Management and Accounting CENG - Chemical Engineering CHEM - Chemistry COMP - Computer Science DECI - Decision Sciences DENT - Dentistry EART - Earth and Planetary Sciences ECON - Economics, Econometrics and Finance ENER - Energy ENGI - Engineering ENVI - Environmental Science HEAL - Health Professions IMMU - Immunology and Microbiology MATE - Materials Science MATH - Mathematics MEDI - Medicine NEUR - Neuroscience NURS - Nursing PHAR - Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics PHYS - Physics and Astronomy PSYC - Psychology SOCI - Social Sciences VETE - Veterinary MULT - Multidisciplinary |
alias | xsd:string default: true options: true, false |
This parameter controls the default behavior of returning a superseded author profiles. Submitting this parameter as false will override the default behavior. This is only applicable for searches targeting author identifiers. |
cursor | xsd:string |
This parameter is used when a user wants to execute deep pagination searching (i.e. iterate to the end of a search result set). Under normal circumstances, when using the 'start' parameter (results offset), access to the total result set is limited to a predefined maximum number of results. By using the cursor in place of the 'start' the user can iterate to the very end of the result set, with the restriction that results can only be accessed by iterating forward sequentially (there will be no 'prev' or 'last' links available). This capability is initially accessed by sending a "*" in the first search request. Subsequent requests should submit the 'cursor/@next' value from each corresponding response as the 'cursor' value. The 'cursor/@next' value must be URL encoded by the client application. The navigation links ('next') can also be used to navigate to each succeeding search result entry and are URL encoded by default. |
facets | xsd:string options: af-id, aucite, au-id, authname, country, exactsrctitle, fund-sponsor, language, openaccess, pubyear, restype, srctype, subjarea |
Represents the navigator that should be included in the search results. One or more navigators can be specified on the request, delimited by a semicolon Different dimensions of the navigator will be represented within parentheses. These dimensions include: count : the number of "buckets" to include (i.e. how many navigator entries) sort : how the navigators should be sorted. Options include na (Modifier name, ascending), fd (Modifier frequency, descending), and fdna (Modifier frequency descending, secondary sort through unity by name, ascending). prefix : filters the facet values to only those matching the prefix specified (not applicable for numeric values). In addition, qualifiers can be specified to include or exclude values from the response (i.e. filter). The options: include : include only the value specified from the facet response. include_above : include only values above the value specified from the facet response. include_below : include only values below the value specified from the facet response. exclude : exclude only the value specified from the facet response. exclude_above : exclude all values above the value specified from the facet response. exclude_below : exclude all values below the value specified from the facet response. ex. facets=authname(count=20,sort=na,prefix=Ma);exactsrctitle (prefix=J);subjarea(sort=fd);pubyear;srctype(sort=fdna) Available facets include: AF-ID - affiliation identifier AUCITE - author citation AU-ID - author identifier AUTHNAME - author identifier and author name COUNTRY - affiliation country EXACTSRCTITLE - source title FUND-SPONSOR - funding sponsor LANGUAGE - language OPENACCESS - open access status PUBYEAR - publication year RESTYPE - internal collection SUBJAREA - subject area SRCTYPE - content category |
application/json | SCOPUS JSON Response:
JSON Example |
application/atom+xml | SCOPUS ATOM Response:
ATOM+XML Example |
application/xml | SCOPUS XML Response:
XML Example |
text/xml | Invalid Request:
Invalid Request Example |
text/xml | Authentication Error:
Authentication Error Example |
text/xml | Authorization/Entitlements Error:
Authorization Error Example |
text/xml | Invalid HTTP Method:
Invalid Method Example |
text/xml | Invalid Mime Type:
Invalid Mime Type Example |
text/xml | Quota Exceeded:
Quota Exceeded Example |
text/xml | Generic Error:
Generic Error Example |