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Elsevier Developer Portal

Geofacets Search API

This represents the available REST interfaces associated with Geofacets Search.


Resource Method Description GET

Search: Geofacets Search API: This represents a search against the Geofacets content, which contains abstract and geographic metadata. This API resource allows for the submission of textual, rectangular and polygon search queries into the Geofacets index, retrieving relevant result metadata.


Search: Geofacets Search API: This represents a search against the Geofacets content, which contains abstract and geographic metadata. This API resource allows for the submission of textual, rectangular and polygon search queries into the Geofacets index, retrieving relevant result metadata.



header params
Accept xsd:string
default: application/json
options: application/json
This represents the acceptable mime type format in which the response can be generated. This can also be submitted as the query string parameter "httpAccept". This returns the response in JSON.
Authorization xsd:string This header field contains the OAuth bearer access token in which the format of the field is "Bearer <token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements. The Authorization field overrides X-ELS-Authtoken.
X-ELS-APIKey xsd:string
This represents a unique application developer key providing access to API resources. This key can also be submitted as the query string parameter "apiKey"
X-ELS-Authtoken xsd:string This represents a end-user session. If provided, this token is used to validate the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be submitted through the HTTP header "Authorization" or the query string parameter "access_token".
X-ELS-Insttoken xsd:string This represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be provided through the query string parameter "insttoken".
X-ELS-ReqId xsd:string This is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. It will also be returned as an HTTP header in the corresponding response. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.
X-ELS-ResourceVersion xsd:string Represents the version of the resource that should be received.

query params
httpAccept xsd:string
options: application/json
Override for HTTP header Accept, this represents the acceptable mime types in which the response can be generated.
access_token xsd:string Override for HTTP header Authorization, this contains the OAuth bearer access token, where the format of the field is "<token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements.
insttoken xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-Insttoken, this represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource.
apiKey xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-APIKey, this represents a unique application developer key providing access to resource.
reqId xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ReqId, this is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.
ver xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ResourceVersion, this represents the version of the resource that should be received.
query xs:string Free text query. If searchType is text, then query is used to perform search. If searchType is refinement, query is used as refine criteria within the results indicated by lastRequest parameter
searchType xs:string
options: text, rect, polygon, refine, zoom
Indicates type of search performed. Allowed values: text, rect, polygon, refine, zoom. When value is text, "query" parameter must be passed. When value is rect, following values must be passed: nwlat, nwlng, selat, selng. When value is polygon, polygon parameter must be passed. When value is refine, lastRequest must be passed. When value is zoom, following values must be passed: zoom, nwlat, nwlng, selat, selng.
view xs:string
options: docs, loc, extents, urls
Indicates response to be returned. Allowed values: docs, loc, extents, urls. When value is docs, articles are returned. When value is loc, location clusters of content belonging to selected search criteria are returned. When value is extents, response contains extents of content when available while other content coordinates are returned. When value is urls, response contains urls to thumbnails of content when available while other content like tables coordinates are returned. See below for response structure
sort xs:string
default: relevance
options: relevance, +pubDate, -pubDate, +authorFirstName, -authorFirstName
By default, results are sorted based on relevance. If a different sort order is required, one of sort options supported can be passed.
start xs:string
default: 0
This is the offset param into result set, deafult is 0
count xs:string
default: 24
Default value is 24, which returns 25 results as offset/start parameer starts at 0. Max allowed 250. Not considered for view "loc".
lastRequest xs:string For initial search, lastRequest will be empty. Further refining of search must include lastRequest parameter. If searchType is refine, query is used as refine criteria within the results indicated by lastRequest parameter
nwlat xs:string North West latitude
nwlng xs:string North West longitude
selat xs:string South East latitude
selng xs:string South East longitude
isExcluded xs:string
default: false
options: true, false
Allowed values: true, false. Default: false. If true, the value will be taken into condideration during refinement of results and not during initial search.
polygon xs:string Well-known text format of shape. E.g. POLYGON ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))
date xs:string Publication year of the document. Comma separated publication year can be passed e.g.: date=1930,1931,2016 Values of publication year must be considered from previous search/filter response facets.
author xs:string comma separated authors can be passed as. e.g.: author=james,john Values of author are returned must be considered from search/filter response facets.
sourceTitle xs:string comma separated source titles can be passed in request. e.g.: sourceTitle=atlas,applied geochemistry Values of source titles are returned must be considered from search/filter response facets.
mapType xs:string comma separated map types can be passed in request. e.g.: mapType=location,structural Values of mapTypes are returned must be considered from search/filter response facets.
content xs:string comma separated content types can be passed in request. e.g.: contentType=plots,tables Values of publication year are returned must be considered from search/filter response facets.
subj xs:string comma separated subjects can be passed in request. e.g.: subject=geology,location Values of subject are returned must be considered from search/filter response facets.
surfaceArea xs:string comma separated surface area values can be passed in request. e.g.: surfaceArea=L,D Values of surfaceArea are returned must be considered from search/filter response facets.
basin xs:string comma separated basins can be passed in request. e.g.: basin=niger basin,gult of mexico Values of basins are returned must be considered from search/filter response.
authorKeyword xs:string comma separated author keywords can be passed in request. e.g.: authorKeyword=Geochemistry,Rifting Values of author keywords are returned must be considered from search/filter response facets.
publisher xs:string comma separated publishers can be passed in request. e.g.: publisher=1,5 Values of publishers are returned must be considered from search/filter response facets.
centerPoint xs:string
default: true
options: true, false
Indicates whether the location search must be performed based on whether the content centerpoint falls within search location. Allowed values: true/false
facetSize xs:string
default: 5
Default value is 5. Max allowed 1000.
zoom xs:string
default: 1
Allowed values 1 through 24. Default value is 1. Not applicable with responseType value docs.
removeId xs:string removeId that was returned as part of query.filters response. If user wants to remove a criteria from search summary that was earlier added, then that id must be set here. Only one removeId (previously added search condition) can be set at a time.
returnShapefiles xs:string
default: false
options: true, false
Indicates whether to return only that content for which shapefiles are available
returnGeoreferenced xs:string
default: false
options: true, false
Indicates whether to return only those maps/figure/tables which are georeferenced

application/json;charset=UTF-8 Authentication Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated due to missing/invalid credentials (authtoken or APIKey).
application/json;charset=UTF-8 Authorization/Entitlements Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated or entitlements cannot be validated.
application/json;charset=UTF-8 Quota Exceeded: This is an error that occurs when a requester has exceeded the quota limits associated with their API Key.