Many of Elsevier's customers use non-Elsevier products and services that integrate with our APIs. If your organization provides such products and services, you may become an Elsevier API partner.
You don't have to become an Elsevier API partner. After all, anyone can get an APIKey and use the APIs in accordance with our policies, and for most applications this is just fine. Also, oftentimes, there isn't a formal difference between being a partner or not.
Best is to think of being a 'partner' as having an open channel of communication and collaboration with us, in order to serve our mutual customers better. Some examples:
Note: External developers that have been hired by one of Elsevier's customers to design and develop their software do not need to become an Elsevier partner.
You may obtain an API key via our Developer's Portal - As part of that process, you will be asked to accept a click-through agreement, with which you agree to adhere to Elsevier's policies for each API use case:
Most common use cases:
Next, contact us through our Elsevier Research Product APIs Support Center. Send along your APIKey and a brief description of your application in the "Your Question" section of the online form. Tell us which of our documented use case you think your application caters to. If your use case isn't listed, describe it to us. Also, include an estimate of the number mutual customers (shared between Elsevier and your organization) for whom the use case is relevant.
Dependent on your use case, we may ask you to provide a bit more information about your application and customers, and/or request that you sign an additional agreement. After that, we will get you set up for development and discuss any questions / concerns you may have about the rest of the process.
When you created your APIkey, it received default settings (see Also, unless you happen to be an Elsevier customer yourself, your access will be restricted to "non-subscriber's" access. This may not be sufficient for you to complete your development. Therefore, after you have contacted us and have cleared any remaining legalities, we will:
Once development and testing has been completed and you're ready to deploy your application to production, you need to ensure that your customers can get access to our APIs through the application. If that access can't be granted based on IP address, your application will likely need to continue to use instTokens, like it did during development (see previous point).
Each customer (which is almost exclusively an institution, not an individual) needs their own instToken. You cannot use the instToken you used for development, for customer access in production; this is because customer entitlements vary from one institution to another and from year to year, depending on their active subscriptions with Elsevier.
Customers can use the Elsevier AdminTool to generate their own instToken and provide it to you. You can find more information about AdminTool here:
If the customer doesn't have access to AdminTool, the instToken can be requested from a local helpdesk: The following information needs to be provided to the helpdesk:
The request can be submitted by a trusted partner or by the customer. If submitted by the partner, the customer has to be included in the communication with the helpdesk.
The helpdesk will send out the instToken which needs to be configured in the customer's application/module. Once the instToken is configured, this will enable the application, in conjunction with your API key, to extract the agreed upon content through the API for as long as the customer's Elsevier subscription is active.
The Elsevier Research Product APIs Support Center is the first point of contact for trusted partners.
First line support for the application remains with the organization/partner who developed the application. This first line support will help to identify whether the problem is an application issue or an issue with the APIs. If the issue is an API issue, we request that you provide us with the relevant information needed for us to troubleshoot the problem.
Our goal is to respond within 48-72 hours.
Below is a list of current Elsevier API partners. This list is not necessarily exhaustive, as some partners have not decided to be listed on this page. Also, many of our client applications do not have partner status.
The partnering services that require an instToken:
Partner service | Category |
Archimed | Federated Search |
Citavi - Swiss Academic Software | Federated Search |
Converis - Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) | Research Performance Tracking |
Cosmotron - Advanced Rapid Library | Federated Search |
DeepWeb - Explorit | Federated Search |
Digital Measures - Activity Insight | Research Performance Tracking |
Ebsco - EBSCOhost | Federated Search |
ExLibris - MetaLib | Federated Search |
FAR - Resolution Applications | Research Performance Tracking |
IRMA - University Office - Australia | Research Performance Tracking |
Inno-360 | Federated Search |
Innovative Interfaces | Federated Search |
MuseGlobal | Federated Search |
ProQuest - SIPX | Other |
Pure | Research Performance Tracking |
QWAM | Federated Search | ResearchFish | Research Performance Tracking |
SerDoc | Research Performance Tracking |
SerialSolutions | Federated Search |
SUWECO | Federated Search |
Symplectic | Research Performance Tracking |