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Elsevier Developer Portal


Definition: the client application is:

  • An institutional repository (IR) in which the institution's research output is captured by storing a record / version of each article or chapter written by its researchers, and/or
  • Current research information system (CRIS) that tracks an institution's research performance by, amongst others, capturing each article or chapter written by its researchers, and/or
  • A local VIVO installation ( about, in which an institute's researchers are profiled. These researcher profiles often need to be complemented with their publication
  • Other internal reporting systems that track research output, similar to the above

Elsevier supports institutions who want to enhance their institutional repository (IR), current research information system (CRIS) or local VIVO installation ( about, with Scopus APIs, ScienceDirect APIs or a combination of the two.

The table below indicates the repository objectives for IR/CRIS/VIVO client applications using Scopus APIs, ScienceDirect APIs or a combination of both.

Repository objectives & use cases    Scopus API use case only    ScienceDirect API use case only    Scopus & ScienceDirect APIs combined use case    SciVal API use case
To retrieve metadata of a comprehensive overview of the world's research output across publishers X X
To enable users to assess article impact by displaying Cited-by counts X X
To retrieve metadata and abstracts of articles and chapters of affiliated authors published with Elsevier X X (optional)
To enable users to identify the best available version and indicate whether users have access to the full-text on ScienceDirect X X
To enable users to read ScienceDirect content on the institutional repository pages X (optional) X (optional)
To enhance your compliance with funding body and publisher policies by automatic ingestion of embargo end dates X (optional) X (optional)
To retrieve a rich basket of metrics for Institutions X
To retrieve a rich basket of metrics for authors X
To retrieve a rich basket of metrics for documents X

Detailed policy for Scopus:
Detailed policy for ScienceDirect:
Detailed policy for SciVal:

How To Guides:
ScienceDirect IR/CRIS/VIVO.
Search Request.

Examples of ScienceDirect and Scopus search using CORS:
ScienceDirect Search
Scopus Search